January 22, 2010


....and that's go to the beauty salon when you are tired, anxious, overworked, and buzzed on caffeine. I went last night to my wonderfully talented hairstylist and told her just to cut my hair...SHORT! I handed her a small picture of a hairstyle that I had been thinking about for a couple of months. She kept asking me..."Are you sure you want to go this short? The sides are really short. It will be cut to the top of your ears....are you sure, Bobbie???????" Yep...cut it....besides....it will grow back, right?? Cute haircut..but to be quite honest...my face is too fat to have short hair... I look like Chris Farley..only with dark hair! I knew it looked bad when I came home, and my husband took one look at me and then quickly ran...not walked...but RAN into the other room. He still hasn't said a word about my hair! I think he is afraid that if he looks at me too long, he'll break into uncontrollable hysteria! This is a picture of the style...and telling you that this gal, in the picture below...is not me...that's an understatement! Oh how I wish!

I'm hoping tomorrow I'll be able to style it a bit better than I did...after all, I went out and spent a fortune on body boosts, gels, something called the "Manipulator"...so wish me luck!


moosecraft said...

Boosts, gels and manipualtor... hmmmmm... sounds like some serious styling going on! I'm thinking that after you wash and style it yourself you will like your new cut a little more... I try to time my haircuts when the dh isn't home... because I know full well the stylist will straighten it so flat to my head that I look like Mo! (3 Stooges) LOL! How's that Maggie rug coming along?

Plumruncreek ♥ said...

Bobbie~I love the style. You're probaly not used to it, vou have a beautiful face.

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri ~ Boog) said...

I'll bet it's darling. I have a cut similar to the one you showed, although mine is straight as a stick and not nearly so cute! It does take a while to learn to work with it but you'll get there!

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri ~ Boog) said...

Uh, yeah, I just noticed, the cut in my pic is not what I have right now and is kind of a yucky picture. May have to change that today!

Joanne said...

I'm sure you will find something "doable" with it - I know just how you feel - still in all my years waiting for a day I actually have a good hair day. I think my husband has had the same reaction several times - I think they are avoiding our reactions more!

HomeSpunPrims said...

Bobbie, I agree with Julie.You are so pretty I'm sure it isn't as bad as you think. Maybe after you work with it you will like it better. I've had mine that short in the past.

Deb said...

You probably just have to get used to the new cut and do your own styling. I can't tell you how many times I came home with a haircut that made the family look at me with deer in the headlight eyes. But once you get the styling down to your own liking, you'll probably love it. And if not, hair does grow, and when it's short, it seems to grow really fast!!

Unknown said...

I bet it looks great and besides, all new cuts are hard to figure out the first few days not to mention figuring out what to do with all those styling products, LOL.

The best thing about hair is that it always grows back.

Kathy (woolfind) said...

I bet it looks great, and I think your next post should have a picture of you with your new-do!
I too want to know how the rug is coming along.

WoolenSails said...

I am never happy with my hair cuts, so I just cut it off myself. At least I didn't have to pay for a bad hair style, lol.


Sheila said...

you will get used to it and probably love it. i just got mine SHORT and it takes awhile to get used to the change. my husband just stared at me and turned and went away too.

bittersweet said...

I hate having to deal with having my hair cut, right now longer than it has been in yrs. but needs to grow a little to get a decent cut then still will be awful. Bobbie you have great hair and bet it looks good, just diff. than you are use to right now. I hate having to use product and I either overdo it or don't use enough. I would like to find someone that can do hair to suit your age, face, and weight.
Now that would be a good hair day!!!