December 29, 2009


After a wonderful Christmas week, it's time to go back to reality and head on in to work this morning. Not that it's a bad's just that it is nice to play Donna Reed for a week. To be able to actually enjoy cleaning, cooking, without any time restraints has been quite a treat. Oh well....I think I do much better under pressure. Seems I do get more done when I "to-do" lists are never ending and the little check marks by each task when completed, gives me a certain sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. I hope everyone had a nice Christmas.

The above hooked rug was a gift from my dear AAPG friend, Kelley Belfast. She not only hooked the rug, she is also the designer. "Merrie Wynter" says it's hoping everyone has a Merrie Wynter!


WoolenSails said...

It is so fun to receive a box from Kelley, they are always filled with wonderful goodies;)


HomeSpunPrims said...

I agree with Debbie! I've been blessed with several of Kelley's handmades and they are always a treat to behold!!
I know you will enjoy your wonderful rug Bobbie.

Deb said...

I just love that rug! What a great gift to receive. I think I know what you mean about working better under pressure. When I worked, I managed to get everything done in record time. Now that I don't, I spin my wheels a lot because there are no constraints on my time. But I still keep the to-do list and love when the items are checked off. For years after I quit I still used my Franklin Planner! LOL I've gotten out of that now.

moosecraft said...

Isn't home a wonderful place to be? I do love that Merry Wynter rug!!! You are very lucky! I do the same thing with the to-do lists...

Jackie said...

Love the rugs. I know what you mean about checking off the to do list. I follow flylady and it sure helps me keeep up with everything.
