June 27, 2009



Good Saturday evening! It was absolutely gorgeous here in Michigan today....this is the kind of weather I could live with all year round. I had to post a picture of the birth sampler I am working on. It is for my sixth grandchild, Gabriel Joseph. It's funny...when the first three grandchildren were born, I had their birth samplers made by their baptism, now with 7 grandchildren, I am four samplers behind! Go figure! My son asked me if I was going to stitch a sampler for the rest of the kids, or if the first three were the chosen ones.... I felt bad, but laughed at the same time. It's kind of like pictures with your first born...tons with the first one and then they taper off with the rest...Looks like I am going to be busy for a long time. Have a great evening everyone!


Plumruncreek ♥ said...

Nice sampler!! Wow, your grandchildren are so lucky to have a special sampler made just for them. What a nice grandmother you are Bobbie!

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri ~ Boog) said...

Beautiful sampler and what a treasure it will be! It was pretty here today, wasn't it (I'm in SE Michigan)?

bayrayschild said...

Hi Bobbie,
The G-children are so lucky to have a piece of your work to cherish!

It is coming along nicely!
I would love to see the finished project.


Deb said...

I know how it is keeping up with making things for grandkids. I've been making them for my neices and nephews children and I'm so far behind. One of these days!

Beehive Needleworks said...

Such a lovely sampler Bobbie! And a beautiful wee babe, for quite the proud Grandmum. Wishing you many hours of peaceful stitching...