OK...I admit it...I have been in a funk...just can't seem to get interested in anything since the holidays. I guess it must be post-holiday blues??? I don't know...maybe it's the fact that I go to work in the dark, come home in the dark, eat, sleep, and lay??? Whatever it is...I am deeming myself OUT OF IT...TODAY!! I have the day off......I am hoping the sun will be out and maybe I will be inspired to do something.
Last night, while digging through my stuff to either hook or stitch...something to get me going...I came upon a rug pattern sent to me by my friend, Lori Rippey, Homespun Prims by Lori, last winter. I love this pattern and I love the colors she had chosen for her rug. So I hope you don't mind, Lori...but I am going to use similar colors..(hey I have to have something to get me going). I traced it out on unbleached primitive linen from Dorr Wool and picked out some of the wool. So today...I am restarting my engine, getting my groove back...
Below is Lori's beautiful rug that she hooked last year. It was inspired from an antique rug that is also pictured in "SEASONS AT SEVEN GATES FARM".

The antique "Hearts and Flowers" rug pictured on page 218. Even though the book was first published over 15 years ago..it is still such an inspiration!