Today is our 38th Wedding Anniversary and we are heading off to Ligonier PA! We don't know exactly what's down there....but I have heard from reliable sources that it is a really nice place to visit! I made our reservations last evening and we are hoping there will be a lot of sight seeing, shopping, and eating involved. We had planned on leaving this morning, but my husband had a prior commitment he totally forgot about...so....we'll be leaving in the early morning hours..he thinks about 4:30 am....I don't think so...maybe 6....we'll see!
I am hoping to go a couple hours west and visit Grant Street Woolworks in Chambersburg..might be might only chance for wool!!! My friend Kathy, a.k.a...Woolfind....works there and the pictures she has posted on her blog of the shop looks absolutely wonderful!! I am hoping to go to the Coverlet Museum that Mary, another AAPG friend, recommended. I know there is lots and lots to see..can you tell I'm excited??